Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Wondrous Place

About a week ago a “facebook friend” (someone who I interacted with in person at some point in my life and then added on facebook, but I wouldn’t expect them to take a bullet for me or some other ridiculous situation that would display true affection) posted a link to the most personal and emotional blog post I have ever read. I’ve never felt more connected to someone that I had never met, and will never meet, in my life.

I’ve tried blogging a few times before, but I’ve never been able to stick to it, the old insecurities always got to me and I’d stop after a few posts. But just reading that one post by Derek made me want to give it one more shot. Particularly the part in the section entitled “What was at the end” where he states with absolute conviction that “Derek doesn’t exist anymore”. And I believe him. Derek won’t share his photos or music or life experiences with the “blogosphere” anymore, and as far as I believe that means that he no longer exists. But it made me want to blog in his place; not as a replacement, but as an effect to the cause of his post. Because even if Derek is gone, what he did still effects us today. And what better afterlife could you wish for?

At the conclusion of the post Derek says that “the world, indeed the whole universe, is a beautiful, astonishing, wondrous place” which is where I got the namesake for this blog. And above all I’d really like this blog to be about that wondrous place. But to not get too big for one blog, I’ll just shrink it down to what the universe is to me, which will hopefully be interesting for you.

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