Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A word about frequency

Frequency: it’s really just something quantifiable per unit of time.

A lot of the problems that I encountered when blogging before was I was unsure of how frequently I should post updates. And while it is something that is completely self-determined, I could post as frequently as I wanted, something felt wrong about the lack of structure. So I’ve decided to start by setting a frequency that I will follow and then moving from there. I might have a lot to talk about at the beginning and then lose steam in a couple of months if the frequency of posts is too high, and if I post too infrequently to start I may just stop altogether and I kind of get the posting itch in the back of my mind which is irritable, so I’m going to say one post a day is a good benchmark.

And I could say that I’m posting one update per day and the frequency of updates would be 11.57mHz, because frequency is usually measured in seconds, but that doesn’t look very pretty in SI units so we’ll just leave it at one per day.

Frequency kind of pops up all over the place but recently for me we’ve been doing waves and sound waves in my physics class and the professor has been demonstrating the difference between low and high frequency sounds a lot, much to the enjoyment of the class.

But with relation to sound we’ve been talking about frequency in a whole new way in physics, or at least a way that wasn’t really presented in my high school physics class. It’s all about fundamental frequencies and overtones and tuning of pianos which as a musician (with even just a tiny understanding of music theory) is a very cool way to think about waves and how they relate to our everyday life. And if you don’t really have any musical background just think about a barbershop quartet, which have been pretty much immortalized in pop culture I think.

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